Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pause... Pause...

Pause... Pause... yep, I've been hearing (or not hearing) a lot of that lately. It starts with "So where are you going for vacation?" My response: Timbuktu. I wait in the silence... Pause... Pause... then, "Seriously???" or "Is that really a place?"

Yes, I'm serious. And, yes, it really is a place. Timbuktu is not a euphemism for "the middle of nowhere" for nothing. It really is in the middle of nowhere. OK, that's not really fair. It's in the middle of Mali. But it sits right on the southern edge of the Sahara, with not a lot around it in any direction.

On September 30th, Laura Blake and I embark on a three week trip to west Africa, starting in Senegal, making our way to Mali with Timbuktu as our main destination point. After that, we plan to do some trekking in Mali, and then we're making it up as we go along. Hopefully we'll get into The Gambia before having to return to Dakar to make our way home.

So, that's the plan. Or the lack of a plan.

Follow the adventure here.